Software Development Life Cycle


The Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a systematic process for creating software that ensures the quality and integrity of the software created. The SDLC process aims to create high quality software while leading to shorter time-to-market and lower total cost of production. The characteristics of each phase in a software development life cycle can vary depending on the software development methodology and framework.

Quality Assurance by Systematic Approach


During the development and improvement processes of our software, we follow the SDLC. This way, our customers can be sure that their software has been fully tested and improved before it is released. As a result, our customers save costs and receive their software as fast as possible. Each of the products we produce goes through the following phases:


In this fundamental phase of the SDLC process, we perform the aggregation and analysis of the business requirements.  The aim of the analysis is to ensure quality, guarantee technical feasibility and identify potential risks that need to be considered for the success of the software.


The product requirements must be clearly defined, documented and approved by the customer. For this purpose, we create a document that contains all functional product requirements that are designed and developed during the project life cycle.


During the design phase, our lead developers create the initial high-level design plan for the software and system. Several product architecture designs are provided in form of DDS (Design Document Specification). The collected data is reviewed and the most appropriate design approach is selected by incorporating all relevant data. The internal design of all modules of the selected architecture is defined in detail in the DDS.


In this phase, we create the required data and import it into the database. Depending on the requirements, the developers define the programming languages and create the interface according to the coding guidelines. 


We carry out testing at all stages of software development. However, this testing phase refers to the verification of product defects, which are tracked, fixed and retested until the product meets all quality standards.

Deployment and Maintenance

After all deficiencies have been corrected, the product is launched on the market. Depending on the company’s business strategy, the product can be launched in several phases. In addition, Mobileaders offers smart, integrated analytical tools to collect data on user behaviour. We use this data to provide our customers with a roadmap and suggestions for upcoming product updates. The product update is thus tailored to user behaviour in order to achieve rapid growth in the respective specific user segment.