Software Testing


Quality tests can reveal avoidable weaknesses in any software, no matter how well it is developed. Customers can use testing to ensure their software delivers the best possible performance while being safe for the business and end users.
Identifying vulnerabilities, in the long run, leads to time savings, cost efficiency and increased customer satisfaction.
Software errors that occur due to lack of testing, on the other hand, can be costly or even dangerous.

Areas of Quality Assurance Tests

Mobileaders performs Quality Assurance (QA) testing in all relevant areas for their own software products. In addition, we also offer QA-services for third-party applications and software. This involves a detailed investigation of various properties that thoroughly check the performance, security and usability of the software.


The functional tests are intended to ensure the proper operation of the software.

Part of this process is, among other things, debugging and elimination of errors in the system.


Companies can gain an unexpected advantage through usability testing.

This very effective and detailed analysis can reveal a wide range of information, including unexpected errors, unclear designs and performance problems.


Security testing is used to improve application security, in order to uncover vulnerabilities through manual penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

In addition, the service includes vulnerability reporting and the provision of professional mitigation advice.


Experts conduct tests that provide information about the actual scalability of applications.

The service includes a detailed report, which enhances the decision-making process for companies regarding handling the stress of scaling.


This Service is used to determine if a software application is compatible with different browsers, databases, hardware, display resolutions, and other devices. The gathered information will help to improve the usability and customer satisfaction.